
Showing posts from February, 2023

Notes for Allison

 Hi Allison, here are two images. The first, to answer your question; is maj 251 with maj 9’s rootless voicing . The second I thought might interest you also, it shows where I am using anticipation . Well to be more exact, there I have been shown to use anticipation. . 1. Rootless Voicing.  Used to: create a fuller more enjoyable sound.  Where can it be used?: anywhere you see a 251 How it’s made:  You will notice this 251 is bar 9 thru 11 of Blue Bossa. Ebm9 is made by playing in the right hand, Ebm7 without the root, then adding the 9th on top. Which in this case is f. It sounds great. It sounds even better when you play the root in the left hand, particularly when it is played well to the left of the keyboard. Even two octaves. Ab13 is chosen because there is only one note to change, the Db is dropped one semitone to the C.  Db maj9 is made the same way as the Eb min. Drop the root and play the 9th on top. I will play these voicing in a Bossa Nova Comping pa...

2023 Term 1 Week 4

 Summary. Excellent lesson, we covered a lot.  a. Anticipation . We used Blue Bossa for this exercise. See the marked up chart.  Blue Bossa.pdf  Playing the new chord before the 1 in that bar. Ie play it on the 4& of the preceding bar.  Formal Definition. Anticipation is essentially a chord tone that comes early. b . Rootless voicing using 9ths  untitled 2 - Full Score.pdf  Use this in Blue Bossa Bars, 9 thru 11. Sounds very nice. c.  Lesson Notes. Blue Bossa:  - sounding great! Keep speeding it up!  - listen to the recording that I sent - try to play along with me! attached is the anticipated chords that line up with the melody Corcovado: --> - listen to this to get the melody sounding good ______________________________________ --> Bossa Nova Comping rhythm #1: - (from your PDF bookl...

2023 Term 1 Week 3

 Lesson Notes Here's what we discussed today: Blue Bossa:  - sounding great! Keep speeding it up!  - anticipated chords to match the melody (send me your lead sheet for this) 3-2 Son Clave :  --> find that screen that I sent, simpler version of the one you've been practising - see if you sync up with the hand "together right left right left right right" Corcovado: --> move LH chords up an 8ve --> - listen to this to get the melody sounding good --> bossa nova comping rhythm #1 - use this for LH chord practise Ear Training: - match the note exercise: nice work! - one note - 3-note sequence -  Interval recognition : using songs you know that start with these intervals -> major 2nd - Happy Birthday --> perfect 4th- amazing grace --> major 6th - A Train -> Minor 2 5 1: attached --> start to work on these slowly ...

Sharing Improv Ideas.

This is the chart I use for Blue Bossa. I particularly like the way the solo is written out, starting at bar 33. It provides an easy mental picture to recall which scales to use and where to play them.

2023 Term 1 Week 2

 Day 1 Lesson Hi Geoff,  Lauren  here.  Below are some notes from Geoff's lesson on 9/02/2023:  Note to Geoff:  Hey Geoff, Here's what we discussed today: Blue Bossa:  - sounding great! Speed it up a bit this week (95BPM) - G7 can have a b9! 3-2 Son Clave :  adding the LH as a crotchet pulse helps you hear what the clave sounds like over 2-bars of bar. Try this on the bongos and use the screenshot I attached for a visual representation. Say the "together right left right..etc" out loud as you do  Corcovado:   learn this for next week! in the key of Amin/Cmaj on Ireal Ear Training: - match the note exercise: we did this with: - one note - 3-note sequence - Interval recognition next time - pick a scale and go slowly through the interval, making sure you're aware of the names Scales: --> relative major/minors - the minor scale can be referred to as either Natural Minor or Aeolian mode Minor 2 5 1: attached --> start to work on these s...

Tidy Up Hac

My  work place is a mess. So I determined to do something about it. I've tried all sorts of filing systems. My main problem is that if I file things I am working on, I soon forget them, they end up at the bottom of a pile or in a folio or cabinet, or draw, gathering dust. If I keep documents electronically, same thing.. my filing disciplines are just not up to it. So, all my charts and research papers etc are spread out on tables and chairs or any available horizontal surface quietly awaiting a door to be blown open in a wind gust. The result.. well. my solution...go vertical ... I got a bunch of manilla foolscap document wallets, folded and inserted them into each other to make discreate pockets, a bit of plywood, clamps, easel.. it works.  That's the prototype. Will tidy up the design at a later date. Now back to piano practice.

Week One 2023 Blue Bossa, Rhumba Clave, Ear Training, Minor 251’s, Chet Ear Training.

Notes from Lauren. Here is what we discussed today: Blue Bossa:  - practise the melody with backing track to play for me next week bossa nova style: on your keyboard, the high-pitched sound is the Bossa rhythm: son clave:  2-bar comping rhythm - one or both hands with chords or clapping with keyboard/backing track Rhumba clave: Ear Training: - match my note exercise - we'll star this next week Scales: --> relative major/minors - the minor scale can be referred to as either Natural Minor or Aeolian mode Minor 2 5 1: attached --> start to work on these slowly around the cycle - remember ii is half-diminished (minor 7 with b5) and V7 has a b9. I chord can be min7 or minor(maj7). **- challenge yourself with the major 2 5 1 but moving to different  - up a semitone - changing your one chord - up a tone - up a major  Son_clave_cut-time_3-2_&_2-3.png Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 2.54.57 pm.png Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Practice for...