Week One 2023 Blue Bossa, Rhumba Clave, Ear Training, Minor 251’s, Chet Ear Training.

Notes from Lauren. Here is what we discussed today:

Blue Bossa: 

- practise the melody with backing track to play for me next week

bossa nova style: on your keyboard, the high-pitched sound is the Bossa rhythm:

son clave: 2-bar comping rhythm - one or both hands with chords or clapping with keyboard/backing track

Rhumba clave:

Ear Training:

- match my note exercise - we'll star this next week


--> relative major/minors

- the minor scale can be referred to as either Natural Minor or Aeolian mode

Minor 2 5 1: attached

--> start to work on these slowly around the cycle - remember ii is half-diminished (minor 7 with b5) and V7 has a b9. I chord can be min7 or minor(maj7).

**- challenge yourself with the major 2 5 1 but moving to different 

- up a semitone - changing your one chord

- up a tone

- up a major 

Practice for this week.
1. Ear Training.
    Pianote Forum
2. Blue Bossa
    Hands together
    Learn clave
    Put together and record
    Scale practice Cm, Eb maj.
3. Find a new piece to start working on.
4. Minor 251 practice.

2023 Term 1 Week 1 Day 4

Today is Day 4 from my live lesson. I'm going to number the days of my week commencing Day 1, the day of my lesson. This way I'll know how much work I have to put in to accomplish my next lesson goals.

So, 4 days down, what have I achieved?  Hmmm, that was a bit sobering.

Let's check the list.

  1. Ear Training.
        Chet Ear Training                 60 min
        Pianote Forum exercises      0 min
    2. Blue Bossa
        Hands together.                   80 min. Coming along. Time to do a video.
        Learn clave.                         60 min. Ditto. 
        Put together and record.      Schedule this for Day 5
        Scale practice Cm, Eb maj.  15 min. 
    3. Find a new piece to start working on. Still thinking. Maybe Mannenberg.
    4. Minor 251 practice.               40 min. Scheesh, ok, it's coming along.
    5. Maintenance; In a Sentimental Mood, Take the A Train, Blue In Green, Autumn Leaves, Al of Me, So What, Albatros.         10 min each.

Additional; Testing OBS Studio App and researching Focusrite 2i2

                  20 min, scales and Major ii-V-I using iRealPro.


Update 6 Feb 2023

The difference between a diminished chord and a half diminished chord lies in the seventh. The half diminished chord (m7b5) has a minor seventh (7) - it's a m7 chord wth a flat five (b5). The diminished chord has a diminished seventh (dim7, °7).


Practice Notes 2023-Term 1-Week 1-Day 7 (2023-1-1-7).


Practice Session 2023-1-1-7


The link is a sample of this weeks practice.

The video is pretty well self explanatory. 

I was struggling with the Bossa Nova Clave rhythms, banging on the table, hurting my hands, then banging on my knees, hurting my hands and my knees…. So I decided to get a set of cheap bongos. I’m happy with the result thus far. My next attempt after I get comfortable with left and right hand will be to tap along to a metronome, then move to the piano.

Noodling with Albatross. https://youtu.be/qEGmHz-Wd7o



Lesson Preparation

Found this useful YouTube video on Clave.


And this one. https://youtu.be/X3ZdN5lFnwg

1. Play thru Blue Bossa, 2 hands with backing track

2. Prepare for ear training.

3. Work out a hack for minor 251’s.

4. Work on Minor 251 as instructed.

--> start to work on these slowly around the cycle - remember ii is half-diminished (minor 7 with b5) and V7 has a b9. I chord can be min7 or minor(maj7).

**- challenge yourself with the major 2 5 1 but moving to different 

- up a semitone - changing your one chord

- up a tone

- up a major


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