2023 Term 1 Week 4


Excellent lesson, we covered a lot. 

a. Anticipation. We used Blue Bossa for this exercise. See the marked up chart. Blue Bossa.pdf Playing the new chord before the 1 in that bar. Ie play it on the 4& of the preceding bar. 

Formal Definition. Anticipation is essentially a chord tone that comes early.

b. Rootless voicing using 9ths untitled 2 - Full Score.pdf Use this in Blue Bossa Bars, 9 thru 11. Sounds very nice.


Lesson Notes.

Blue Bossa: 

- sounding great! Keep speeding it up! 

- listen to the recording that I sent - try to play along with me!


attached is the anticipated chords that line up with the melody


--> https://open.spotify.com/track/5nU7dvOfzYs9QVVL7YVNPE?si=4ca28e2beea4499e

- listen to this to get the melody sounding good


--> Bossa Nova Comping rhythm #1:

- (from your PDF booklet)

-  only LH - using Corcovado chords or Blue Bossa chords

Ear Training:

- next week!

--> we'll keep doing Chet!

2 5 1 including maj 9's!

--> attached

Practice Plan for this week.
1. Chord Anticipation.. Listen to Lauren’s recording every day. Play Blue Bossa, every day, anticipating the Melody Note by playing the Chord on the 4&. see attached Blue Bossa pdf.
2. Play along with Laurens Recording.
3. Introduce rootless voicing as taught, see Full Score pdf. Using 9ths. Remember, to make this sound great, add the root in the left hand.. This is the chord progression starting Bar 13 Blue Bossa.
4. Develop a hack to Play 9ths around the Circle of Fifths.
5. Continue Minor 251 practice. Ie D dim G7b5 CminMaj7
6. Practice Bossa comping Rhythm
7. Chet ear training every day. 


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