2023 Term 1 Week 10

 2023 Term 1 Week 10

A good last lesson for the Term. Here's what we discussed today:

Potential Face-To-Face Lessons in holiday break:
--> Bit excited to do a face to face lesson next week.

2 5 1 including maj 9's !
--> Try this in the key of C maj and G maj this week
- use the Dbmaj one in Blue Bossa as an alternative and closely listen to the difference the chord changes make.

Ear Training:

--> This week more challenging as I couldn’t identify the specific song. So had to work it out one note at a time. - listen to it many many times to get it in your ears and under your fingers! 

--> spent a good deal of time working on pedalling so the chords won’t sound muddy - technique is to lift the foot as the fingers go down, think fingers down foot up. It’s a stabbing motion - happy with the result. Focus now on getting it faster over time but take my time building this up

—> in the left hand accent the 1. 

--> Getting the Bossa rhythm is a real pain. I can do it mechanically, but can’t ‘feel’ it yet. Have found a Muscore version that I am playing along with. This is helping. 
--> Next will use the LH comping rhythm with Ireal and try to make it all the way through the piece ♩♩𝄾 ♩.

—-> Less focus on the chord shapes and more focus on the timing. 

Honeysuckle Rose:

--> add the LH chords!

--> Continue accenting the 1st quavers of every quaver-couplet. "strong weak strong weak" etc.

- this helps with timing and will get more in that swing groove.

Softly As In A Morning Sunrise:

--> discussed more optimal fingering to get this fluid.

Min half dim ii  - V7b9 - I min (maj7)

--> take this progression through 3 different keys!

-ii V I's

--> Focus on RH voicing with LH bass note. This is opposite from what I am currently doing. 

- walking bass lines: 

pick one walking device and take it through all 12 keys

--> D F A Ab A Bb B C

- try this one with your Dm7 G7 Cmaj

Blue Bossa: 

--> place as much importance on the spaces (rests) between the melody as the melody itself!

--> Focus on counting especially the rests in between the melodic phrases

--> Bossa comping rhythm : 1 2 + 4 +

—> keep working on the RH  1 2 3 with a metronome at 90 BPM



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