2024 Piano Goals
I’m not going to go big with goals for this year. I’ve decided to focus on one significant goal, and that is to play all songs in my repetoir with correct rhythmic timing. I will do this iReal Pro as a backing track. Further to work on the following short term tasks. So… For the Xmas break: --> incorporate iRealPro into every practice session. Play entire repetior piece accurately with iReal backing tracks. --> Listen to the tracks and use the visual or just audio to keep in time (with or without playing along!) Current status of three new songs: Softly As In Morning: --> I have developed an Intro - notate it so that i can perfect it so that it works well for bring in the melody Out Of Nowhere: --> I’ve developed a LH bass line using arpeggios (1353 sequence) work on locking it in with the 2 & 4 metronome groove - as an exercise play RH chords without the LH bass line whilst carefully listening to the melody. - Develop an outro using 251 structure. For this s...