
2024 Piano Goals

I’m not going to go big with goals for this year. I’ve decided to focus on one significant goal, and that is to play all songs in my repetoir with correct rhythmic timing. I will do this iReal Pro as a backing track.  Further to work on the following short term tasks. So… For the Xmas break: --> incorporate iRealPro into every practice session. Play entire repetior piece accurately with iReal backing tracks. --> Listen to the tracks and use the visual or just audio to keep in time (with or without playing along!) Current status of three new songs: Softly As In Morning: --> I have developed an Intro - notate it so that i can perfect it so that it works well for bring in the melody Out Of Nowhere: --> I’ve developed a LH bass line using arpeggios (1353 sequence) work on locking it in with the 2 & 4 metronome groove  - as an exercise play RH chords without the LH bass line whilst carefully listening to the melody. - Develop an outro using 251 structure. For this s...

Song Analysis S’Wonderful, Out of Nowhere, East of the Sun

 S’WONDERFUL Out of Nowhere East of the Sun

A Roland TD17 finds a home.

 Bit the bullet…Got myself a drum kit. Won’t the neighbours be pleased. 

Term 2 Week 6 2023

Ear Training - transcriptions: --> New song to transcribe: Chet Baker, I Fall in Love too Easily --> use a Notation program to transcribe the melody --> one 7th chord - let it ring out for 30 seconds or so until all sound dies - thinking of the notes in the chord as the scale degrees 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th - play the note you want to pin point before playing the full chord --> try to sing the notes to help hear them Satin Doll: --> comping: thinking of the melody to inspire  - doo da! Long short - just to help with swing - listen to Duke Ellington's versions to hear the melody phrased really well. Bossa Nova Comping: --> Develop habit of counting in before all pieces. --> work on counting all the beats. 1&2&3&4&. Blue Bossa: --> Make sure to to allow myself the proper time needed between melodic phrases. --> This week's focus: Be able to play the LH and RH bossa comping (no melody) WITH the metronome!! Remember to not rush and sit with ...

Turned the Corner with Rhythm.

  For those of you who have been following my thread, it will come as no surprise that I struggle endlessly with rhythmic timing.   The previous few weeks I have been using a setting called 'Voice Counting' on my metronome. The metronome is called Pro Metronome (free download on iPad) and voice counting is an option to replace the traditional clicks.  Its been a game changer for me. The other change I have made is, when learning a new piece of music, or returning to an old piece, I place Rhythm first. Before touching the piano, I clap out the rhythm  whilst at the same time count out loud every syllable of 1&2&3&4&.  If you are like me and struggle with rhythm, give it a try. .. its working for me.   Going to celebrate with a weekend of sailing.

Term 2 Week 4

Major focus this month: Rhythm and Timing.  Bossa Nova Comping: --> before playing this, in fact every piece, develop the habit of counting in . This will set the tempo and set me up for a strong groove. - record myself doing this to see if i can hear the tempo stay steady or if i tend to speed up/slow down! It Could Happen To You Chet Solo: -> using this piece to develop a focus timing and fingering and an intro to scat singing. -    play along with the recording when timing and fingering is down. --> Settings - Play Back Speed - 0.75 -    sing along with Chet too without playing! This is a great solo to get in my head and this will ultimately help my rhythm. Blue Bossa: Focussing on the beat 1 of the melody - RH only --> play along with Ireal! --> turn drums up in preference to the click. This helps lock in the groove. Next time:  - Try thinking or singing the melody while doing the bossa c...

2023 Term 2 Week 3

Bossa Nova Comping: --> Set your own tempo and count yourself in before you start playing  - record yourself doing this to see if you can hear the tempo stay steady or if you tend to speed up/slow down! Counting in might set you up for a strong groove! It Could Happen To You Chet Solo: -> up to bar 8 - no need to go further for now! Just focussing on timing and fingering - play along with the recording if you can! --> Settings - Play Back Speed - 0.75 - sing along with Chet too without playing! This is a great solo to get in your head and this will ultimately help your rhythm. First 4 Bars: **Gmaj7 - Abdim7 - Am7 - Bbdim7 Check out iReal chords. Blue Bossa: **Swap metronome practise for Ireal this week! Practise might look like: - putting on Ireal for 10 choruses (or just a very long time!) - playing through each exercise twice   1. LH bossa rhythm with melody 2. LH chords with melody 3. separate hands with Ireal Pro 4...